It is so exciting to be in the dental world these days! Our technology is continuously improving and we have so much more to offer our patients. Whether you are missing one tooth, or you have multiple teeth missing, we can help!
I have had the privlege to train with a Harvard Prosthodontic Graduate in order to place implants myself. I also work with the Oral Surgeon we have in our office when the treatment plan requires more extensive surgery. My collegues and I have great relationships and it is exciting to be able to converse with each provider in order to establish a comprehensive treatment plan that best fits our patients' needs.
Implants have come a long way over the years. I work predominately with Nobel Biocare, but have the ability to restore any implant. Many patients ask, "Why an implant instead of a bridge?" Bridges are great restorations, but we just have better technology now. It is like having shaped skis versus straight skis or a big box television versus the new flat screens. Better technology, better benefits.
What are the benefits to an implant?
1. Adjacent teeth do not have to be drilled on.
2. There is less food that gets stuck.
3. Implants are single units and can be flossed and cleaned just like natural teeth.
4. Implants maintain bone.
5. Implants can be used to establish more retention for dentures to provide better chewing function.
What does the implant treatment entail?
1. If extraction of your tooth is necessary, the tooth would be extracted and a bonegraft and membrane would be placed. This heals for 3 months. During this time, you will wear a stayplate which helps to maintain space and will also provide you with a removeable tooth while you heal. In some cases, an implant can be placed the same day as extraction. Your provider will discuss your specific situation with you.
2. You will return to your provider for post op appointments where an x-ray will be taken of the area and the provider will make sure everything is healing properly.
3. After 3 months has passed, as long as everything has healed properly, it is time to place the implant. This appointment is approximately 1 hour.
4. You will return to your provider for post op appointments where an x-ray will be taken of the area and the provider will make sure everything is healing properly.
5. After 3 months has passed, your provider will check that the implant is solid in your bone and you will start the impression process for your final implant restoration. You should have your final implant restoration within a month of your impression appointment.
Falcon Park Dental Group can restore any implant. When we place implants, we generally use Nobel Biocare products. The following video illustrates restoring a missing tooth with a bridge or an implant.
Your provider can examine your mouth and review your health history to determine if implants are a good fit for you. We look at a number of factors including but not limited to the presence of periodontal disease, bone quality, high blood pressure, diabetes, and signs of clenching and grinding. Your provider will discuss their findings and you can choose the right restoration for you.