Sleep is an essential physical need that our bodies require to survive. When we are deprived of quality sleep, our bodies and our lives...
No Symptoms Necessary - OralDNA Reveals Harmful Bacteria In Patients
OralDNA identifies 13 strains of harmful bacteria in your mouth that is directly related to heart conditions, pregnancy, diabetes, and some
What is Cerec and Why Is It So Good?
Why use Cerec? What is a tooth in a day?
Gum Disease and Your Total Body Health
Did you know that periodontitis (gum disease) can lead to other health problems when left untreated? Many patients see their dentist...
Are dental implants right for me?
It is so exciting to be in the dental world these days! Our technology is continuously improving and we have so much more to offer our...
Should I get my wisdom teeth removed?
Not sure about losing your wisdom teeth? You're not alone! Most often times, there is not enough room for all 32 teeth in an adult mouth....
Why you should throw out your water pik flosser!
Why should you throw out your water pik flosser? The top five reasons to ditch the latest fad in dental hygiene care. 1. Water piks do...